Have you ever considered that God Himself, in order to connect with you, penned a book to the whole world? The result? The Bible, the ultimate best-selling book of all time. This book is filled with stories and wisdom that can be life transforming. Join us as we dive into God’s truth in our new teaching series, The Writings.
Las Escrituras
¿Alguna vez has considerado que Dios mismo, para conectarse contigo, escribió un libro para el mundo entero? ¿El resultado? La Biblia, el libro más vendido de todos los tiempos. Este libro está lleno de historias y sabiduría que puede transformar vidas. Acompáñanos mientras nos sumergimos en la verdad de Dios en nuestra nueva serie de enseñanza, Las Escrituras.
We’re a local church here in Chicagoland, with locations in Bolingbrook, Hinsdale, Naperville, Plainfield, South Naperville, and Wheaton, and we have an online community that connects from anywhere! We believe Christian living should be summed up with one word – love – and that you would feel that love in every encounter you have at The Compass Church. Our locations are casual and contemporary and there are many ways for you and your friends or family to get connected and make authentic friendships!
Are you looking to find answers to life’s big questions, feel overwhelmed or anxious about the stress in your life, or are walking through a hard time? Come get connected to a community where you can meet genuine people, find resources to support you in your journey, discover inspiring and exciting kids programming, learn life lessons from the Bible, and grow in your faith. Find out more about what you might experience when you visit this weekend HERE.
See you this weekend, in-person or online! Bolingbrook Campus Sun 9a English Sun 10:45a Spanish
Hinsdale Campus Sun 10a
Naperville Campus Sat 5p Sun 9:15 & 11:15a
South Naperville Campus Sat 5:15p Sun 9 & 10:45a
Three Rivers Campus Sun 9 & 10:45a
Wheaton CampusSat 6p English Sun 8:30 & 10:15a English Sun 1p Spanish
CompassOnline ( 9, 10, & 11a
Mar 1-Apr 6 Weekly Sat & Sun See event description for the service times at each of our Campuses.
All Campuses