If there’s one word to describe us it would be "family." From the friendly church environment to the emphasis on small groups meeting in homes, we think church is a place to belong. We place a high priority on the next generation and our worship services radiate God’s grace. Join us!
CompassKids is a fun, engaging, and faith-forming environment for infants through 5th grade. Kids experience God's truth and love at our two weekend services in age-appropriate settings. We want kids to be so excited about the lessons and friendships here that they actually drag you to church!
Come be a part of JHM (Junior High Ministry) or HSM (High School Ministry). Compass Students is a place to fall in love with Jesus, a family to find your place, and group to discover your purpose.
We are committed to helping adults grow spiritually and relationally. We believe that smaller communities are the perfect environment for facilitating spiritual growth, connection, engagement and learning and encourage you to check out one of our many groups today and start your journey.
Let's face it. Sometimes life is just plain hard. The Compass Church is here to help and support you through challenging times in your life. Our campus staff is available to provide prayer, emotional support, spiritual counseling and financial assistance.
Care Night is a place for health, hope, & healing. We offer a variety of groups for support, marriage, and recovery designed to meet your specific needs.
Todos los domingos estás invitado a unirte a nosotros para nuestros servicios completamente en español a la 3:30p. Celebraremos a Dios cantándole, aprenderemos lecciones prácticas estudiando la Biblia y conectaremos con un compañerismo con sabor latinoamericano.
New to The Compass Church or want to learn more about us? Join us for a short meeting to learn more about The Compass Church - what we are all about, the ministries we offer, and ways you can connect.
If you're ready to get started, or even if you just want to find out a little bit more about specific opportunities where you can use your gifts to serve your church family, we’re ready to help you find a great place to serve on a team.
Check out our South Naperville Campus events HERE.
There are so many ways to connect at The Compass Church, including digitally!
Sign up for our weekly eNews HERE and watch for it in your inbox on Fridays!
Join us on our South Naperville Campus Facebook Page HERE.
Our staff is here to serve you. We can’t wait to meet you and get you connected at The Compass Church!
Click HERE to meet our staff.
Monday-Thursday 9a-2p Friday Closed Saturday 4:30-6:30p Sunday 8:30a-5p