Men's Ministry Breakfast

The Men's Ministry is excited to welcome Brigadier General Martin Jung from the US Army Reserve as our guest speaker at the Men's Breakfast! BG Jung currently serves as the Commanding General for the USAR 100th Training Division based out of Fort Knox which trains over 15,000 warfighters annually. He'll be speaking about his Christian faith and how God has worked in his life as a senior leader.

Pancakes, eggs, BACON, and sausage will be served beginning at 7:30a. Following breakfast in the Atrium, we will hear from our speaker in the HUB.

Pre-registration is encouraged by clicking the "Register" button above. An option to contribute $5 either online or at the door is provided through registration. Walk-ins are always welcome.



Feb 8
Sat | 7:30-9:30a


Naperville Campus

Atrium & the HUB

