The Compass Church Food Pantry - CLOSED on 2.19

The Care Center including both the Food Pantry and the Clothing Closet will be closed on Wednesday 2.19.25 due to weather conditions.

In partnership with Loaves & Fishes Community Services, we have a Food Pantry at our Bolingbrook Campus which serves over 100 families per week! Food is distributed on Wednesdays from 4-6p.

Help end hunger and transform lives here in Bolingbrook! Volunteer hours are on Wednesdays from 3-6:30p with various shifts available. Come out and experience the JOY that comes from helping others! Some of the opportunities include guest greeting, registration, parking lot directions, unloading/loading food and prayer team. There's lots of work to be done so join in and volunteer on Wednesdays to serve on The Compass Church Food Pantry team.


Weekly Wednesday

Hosted By



Bolingbrook Campus

Room 29


Participating Campuses

Bolingbrook, Hinsdale, Naperville, South Naperville, Three Rivers, Wheaton
