

Nicky Grobler

CompassKids Nursery & Childcare Coordinator, Naperville Campus


  • I have lived on four continents.
  • I have ziplined over the Oribi Gorge in South Africa

There is no greater treasure on this side of heaven than the little ones God blesses us with! You can be certain that your child will be safe and secure in the care of our Infant and Toddler team. Our rooms are furnished with age-appropriate toys that stimulate or calm – depending on the need. Toys are cleaned weekly and removed from use if a child puts it into their mouth. Even our very littlest lambs will engage in worship time with music and learn a bible story from the Bible Buds curriculum. And there are always plenty of bubbles to make it extra fun!

For your first visit:

  • Be sure you have your cell phone number included when you register your child. This will be our first form of contact if we need to reach you during the worship service. Keep your phone near you on vibrate during the worship service. If we can’t reach you via phone, your childs three digit code will display on the side screens during service.
  • Share with a volunteer any requests or special instructions when you drop off your child.
  • If your child cries for 10 minutes, you will be notified while you are in the worship service.
  • Security is a priority for our kids. Be sure to keep the three digit code sticker that prints with your child’s nametag for pick up!
  • You can be certain our Infant/Toddler rooms are overflowing with lots of tender loving care.