
celebrate God's work in your life

Baptism Entry

Baptism Celebration Sign Up!

We are excited to get you signed up for baptism. If you still have questions or you aren't sure if you should get baptized please email your campus. If you are ready for the exciting next step of getting baptized at any of our campuses please fill out a form below and we will get back to you. After you register, you will receive information about how to connect with a baptism meeting or with a baptism team member as the final step before you get baptized. / Estamos emocionados de que te hayas inscrito para bautizarte. Si todavía tienes preguntas o quieres estar seguro si debes bautizarte envía un correo electrónico a tu campus. Si estás listo para tomar el siguiente paso de bautizarte en cualquier campus de nuestra iglesia, completa el formulario y nos comunicaremos contigo. Después de registrarte, recibirás información sobre una reunión de bautismo o te podrás conectar con un miembro del equipo de bautismo antes de bautizarte.

* Required / Requerido

Please choose which campus you would like to be baptized at:

Who would you like to baptize you, if available?