SN Family Movie - The Pilgrim's Progress

The Pilgrim's Progress is a 2019 animated movie based on the popular classic book by John Bunyan and is suitable for most elementary age children, teens and adults. No nursery will be offered, but, the movie will be streamed to the Café. Children ages 4 and older may watch an alternate movie at the discretion of their parent. Parents are encouraged to read movie reviews online, as there are characters that depict a struggle against evil. Come after eating lunch, bring a lunch or order a lunch on this page. Movie will begin at 1p.

Link to the movie trailer -
Link to a Focus on the Family review -

The movie is free, but we will be collecting a free-will offering to support the translation of the movie into other languages and distribution for ministry among other people groups.

South Naperville Campus


South Naperville Worship Center (Alternate Movie - Room 203)

Date / Time