3R | Adult Bible Study | Sun 7:30a | | |
3R | Hauert | Tue 1p | | |
3R | Hejnar | Mon 7p | | |
3R | Online Moms Group | (EO) Tue 8p | | |
3R | Women's Bible Study | Thu 6:45p | | |
3R | Women's Bible Study | Tue (EO) 6:30p | | |
3R | Women's Bible Study | Wed 10:00a | | |
3R | Young Adults | Thu 6:30p | | |
50's and up - Couples Group - Focus on fun, fellowship and growing in Christ | The group consists of empty-nesters or near empty-nesters with folks typically in the roughly 50’s – 60’s age range. We meet every other Tuesday from 6:30 PM – 8:00 PM in the Naperville area and go through the message series. We typically meet from 6:30 PM – 7:00 PM to chat and have some drinks and snack, and then talk through the message series from 7-8 PM. I would say the focus of our small group is community fellowship, fun, and learning to grow in Christ. We also periodically do a game night or other event outside of small group! We are welcome to have anyone try our group and if does not work out, no worries. | |
Ahlenius Home group | | |
All Bible Fellowship (ABF) | Sermon based discussion group. | |
Asian Fellowship led by Austriaco | Our intergenerational group meets to encourage Asian American families and individuals to live spiritually confident, purposeful and fulfilled lives through regular Bible study, prayer, community service and social activities. | |
AWE (Accessible Worship Experience) Explore God | Accessible worship experience for adults with special needs and their families. Children between 12 to 17 are welcome with an accompanying parent. | |
Betty Augustine | | |
Blaine Krause | | |
Coed Life in Rhythm Group | | |
Connie Shelton | | |
Cross-Gen led by Seiples | If you're looking for friends, fellowship, fun, study and the opportunity to grow in Christ together, please consider joining this cross-generational small group. We are empty nesters, but all our welcome. | |
Cumbey Group | 7p weekly Wed Group. Meets in the Pershing House at Wheaton Campus | |
Darrin Yount | | |
Dave Miech | | |
Denwood Book Club | Small group led by Bill Denwood reading various books on biblical topics. Began with Rooted. | |
D-Group Mark | | |
Empty Nesters led by Morgans | We are a group of mature Christians growing together in life and service. We meet every 2 weeks to study and socialize as friends | |
Everyone Welcome Pending Connection | | |
Gutierrez Tuesday co-ed Small Group (meets every other week. | Studying Gentle and Lowly every other Tuesday from 7-8:30. | |
Hensley Group | This cross-generational group meets on the 2nd and 4th Mondays of the month. Currently hosted at Dave and Jan Hensley's home. Sermon Based Bible study. For more information or if interested in joining this group contact Dave at hensdav@iit.edu | |
High School Ministry | Sun 6:15p | | |
International led by Shih | Mandarin speaking | We are a group of Mandarin-speaking families who would like to grow our friendships as we grow closer to God. | |
Jesus con los Pies en el Barro | Requested by Laura J. April 2024. | |
John Adcock | | |
John Keefer | Table group | |
Junior High Ministry | Sun 6:15p | | |
Ladies Who Lunch Book Club small group | Women meeting for lunch on Tuesdays at 12p at a local restaurant. | |
Larforge Group | This group will meet weekly on Wednesday evenings at 6:30pm. Meetings will take place in Room 205 of the Wheaton Campus. For more information, please contact groupswheaton@thecompass.net. | |
Life in Rhythm Spanish Raul | | |
Lisa Levin | | |
M28 HS/College | | |
Maranatha Group | This midsized Sunday group meets for prayer, encouragement and Bible study looking at a variety of topics. It is primarily a 55+ class but all ages are welcome. Led by elder John Sauceda. For more information, contact john_sauceda@yahoo.com | |
Marrieds led by Sterling | We are a group of families in our 30's and 40's with children in elementary school who are committed to growing our relationship with the Lord and to supporting and growing closer to one another. Families rotate hosting the group in their homes/providing lunch and leading the group discussion. We plan nights out for the ladies, the men, and the couples as well. Children are welcome to attend the group with the adults. While the discussion is taking place, children are playing as a group in the home or outside. | |
Men led by Adair | Come study explore God with us we would love to have you. Meets every 1st and 3rd Saturday at 8:30 AM in Westmont. | |
Men led by Conrad | Meets weekly on Monday nights at the Naperville campus. Join at any time! | |
Men led by Erzinger & Ciucci | We take a deep dive into Biblical truths to help us grow in our spiritual journeys, cultivate fellowship with one another, and lead by example. Because we meet on Thursdays in the morning, we have a very structured agenda so we can end promptly by 7:30 AM for everyone to get to work. We watch a Bible Study video for the first 20 minutes, discuss the scripture content as a group with a variety of discussion questions, and end with prayer requests and praying for one another. | |
Men led by Goetz | We are a dedicated group of men: prayer and Bible-based, real discussions and true friendships. Meets at the Naperville campus on Wednesday mornings at 6:15a. | |
Men led by Hill | We are a group of guys who walk through Bible studies and support each other with prayer and laughter. | |
Men led by Hullfish | We host a virtual men's group discussion usually based on books of the Bible, alternating between the Old and New Testament. Some books take a year to get through only a few verses at a time. Others, a chapter at a time. | |
Men led by Jensen | | |
Men led by Koppin | We meet the 1st and 3rd Saturday at Butterfield's restaurant in Wheaton. Currently, we are studying the book of Ephesians by Nav Press | |
Men led by Morrison | Exploring the heart of men as God designed it. | |
Men led by Reamer | Veterans | We are a men's group for veterans who grow in fellowship and dive into topical Bible studies with group discussion. | |
Men led by Sheridan | We are a group of men that meet every other Tues evening at Bill’s home from 7-8:30 pm. We are a fellowship group focused on the Lord’s work and personal discipleship. | |
Men led by Stowers | | |
Men Standing in the GAP | Our group will dive into effective methods of sharing the Gospel, defending the Christian faith by studying Apologetics and Bible Prophecy. With the world rapidly changing, we look forward to the imminent return of Jesus Christ. Join us Tuesday nights starting June 11th for study and discussion. | |
Mens - Saturday led by Bill Applegate | We are a varied group of men who meet regularly for fellowship, encouragement, bible study, prayer, and service. The group explores and discusses various topics and scripture segments throughout the year. The group makes it a priority to support each other in prayer throughout the week. We welcome new members and are very accommodating to the impact of travel, work schedules, family events, etc. may have on a person's ability to attend every week. | |
Mens - Seiple | We are a community of brothers who study the Bible together using a variety of video and/or book studies. | |
Men's Bible Study | Thu 6:30p | | |
Men's Group | We are currently studying 2cnd part of Randy Alcorn's series on Heaven. We meet each week for coffee, fellowship, and studying God's word together. For more information contact groupswheaton@thecompass.net. Saturdays from 7:30-9:00am Rm 205 | |
Men's Group | This group meets weekly. Meetings will take place in the Annex room of the Wheaton Campus. For more information, please contact edfeece@gmail.com | |
Men's Group | Wed 6p | | |
Mens group Dale | Missional group. Meets Friday at 10:30am. Studying 1 Corinthians. | |
Middle Married Group | Led by Dave Griffin, 6a Wed am meets in Annex | |
Middle Marrieds Home (Nunez) Group | Meets at various times and locations. Currently studying After Doubt. | |
NPV Intentional Grandparenting | | |
NPV Resk Group | Launch Group - August 2023 | |
NPV Rooted Group - Winter 2025 | All Rooted Participants for the Winter 2025 Session | |
NPV Young Adults (J. Cruz) | Looking for connection? Looking to deepen your faith alongside others in the same stage of life and wondering how to do that? This group will take you on a 10-week experience through the Rooted study to discover the 7 rhythms Jesus desires for our lives to walk with him. Join us beginning Jan 27, 2025, at 7p at the Naperville Campus. The first week we'll meet in M104, and after that our meetings will be in the Family Room. | |
ONL - Marrieds - Tiegs | | |
ONL Small Group Prospects | | |
Practical Apologetics -Adams | We will use the Bible to address common objections to the Christian faith, focusing on evolution and secular science. This group is relevant for adults and high school students seeking to defend their beliefs. We will use the Answers in Genesis Vol. 1 book and study guide. | |
Precept Inductive Bible Study for Women | A women's Precept group. | |
Prodigal Prayer | Parents of prodigals meeting for prayer and bible study | |
Rooted Group Brad | Rooted is a life transformational 10-week group experience that covers the 7 Rhythms first modeled by the early church which include: Daily Devotion, Prayer, Repentance, Serve the Community, Sacrificial Generosity, Share Your Story and Worship.
We would love for you to join us! | |
Rooted Group Spanish Bernadette and Roberto | | |
Rooted Spanish Margarita | | |
Rooted Spanish Wheaton Group | | |
Sam Cheng | | |
Seniors (Faith Builders) Group | This group welcomes people of any adult age but is primarily 65+. Different teachers rotate various studies and group time includes singing, prayer, and fellowship. Group meets every Sunday 10-11:15a. Contact groupswheaton@thecompass.net for more information. | |
Seniors (New Life) Group | This group meets weekly at Wheaton Campus in room 201 at 10:15a. Leader is Keith Yoder. Bible teaching rotates leaders and studies. For more information, contact groupswheaton@thecompass.net | |
Seniors | Growing in Grace | Single and married senior adults gather together every Sunday for community, live teaching from the Bible and worship. Socials throughout the year provide opportunity to get together and have fun. Come join us. To join this group, just come on Sunday morning! We meet every Sunday at 10:30am in Naperville S102. For more info, email GrowingInGrace@thecompass.net
Currently meeting via Zoom. Anyone would be welcome to join during this virtual time. Please email growingingrace@thecompass.net. | |
Shelton | | |
Singles 30s&40s Communication List | Join us for a 3-session video study on the Parable of the Prodigal Son by David Marvin. Meeting dates are Friday, January 17, February 28, and March 28 at 7p in room S101 at the Naperville Campus. | |
Singles 50+ led by Zorn | Monday night | We are a gathering of singles seeking to support one another and connect in community. We meet on Monday nights at Naperville for study, prayer, and good conversation. We also periodically schedule social events for informal interaction. Newcomers are always welcome to just drop in and find out what we are all about. We very much look forward to meeting you! | |
SN | Aboutar Singles | Every other Monday night at 7p | |
SN | Aseltine | This is a group, comprised of those married with kids, and meets weekly on Wednesdays from 6:30-8p in Plainfield (children welcome). | |
SN | Bailey | Young families | |
SN | Bailey Women | Young women's Small Group | |
SN | Bergstrom | Small Group of empty(ish) nesters. | |
SN | Cheng | This is a group, comprised of those 30 to 50, meets every other week at our South Naperville Campus. | |
SN | Ciprian | Parents of middle schoolers | |
SN | College | Every other Tuesday. Drew Franzen facilitates. | |
SN | Davis | Married with children
Thursday's 6:30p | |
SN | Hyatt | This is a group, comprised of middle-aged adults, meets every other Friday from 7-9p in Naperville. | |
SN | Ivey | Group is 30’s with children, and they meet Monday nights at 7:30 in homes (throughout south Naperville and Oswego) | |
SN | Kaufman | This is a group, comprised of adults 50+, meets weekly on Thursdays from 6:30-8p in south Naperville. | |
SN | Kifer | | |
SN | Kim (Caleb & Linda) | Korean speaking group. Every other Saturday, 7-9PM at SN campus | |
SN | Kim (Dan & Della) | 40s-50s Group lead by Dan and Della Kim. | |
SN | Kumar | | |
SN | Lee | This is a group, comprised of families with young to middle aged kids, meets on Wednesday evenings from 6:30-8p in Plainfield (children welcome).. | |
SN | Lunde Sun | | |
SN | Lunde Tue | | |
SN | Matinee Small Group | | |
SN | Men | Saturdays Fall | | |
SN | Men | Stowers | This men's small group meets Monday evenings at 7pm at the church | |
SN | Nabzdyk | This group, comprised of those 50+, meets every other Friday from 7:15-8:45p in Aurora | |
SN | Nelson | Wednesday morning men's group | |
SN | Shivers | This is a group, comprised of families, meets weekly on Mondays from 6:30-8p in Naperville (children welcome). | |
SN | Spradley Thurs | This men's small group meets Thursday mornings at 6am at the church | |
SN | Spradley Tue | Tue | 6:30-7:30a | Spradley's house, 2785 Carriage Way, Aurora, IL | |
SN | Targosz | This is a group, comprised of families in their 30o's/40's, meets every other week on Sundays from 5-7p in Naperville. | |
SN | Visk | Sunday night | |
SN | Whitted | This is a group, comprised of couples of various life stages, meets weekly on Wednesdays from 6:30-8p i the Aurora/Plainfiled area (children welcome). | |
SN | Women | Bailey | This women's small group meets every Wednesday at 7 in Naperville. | |
SN | Women's Thu AM Study - Winter '25 | | |
SN | Yorkis | Singles 40+ | This is a group, comprised of singles who are 40+, meets every other Wednesday from 6-8p in Plainfield and includes dinner. | |
SN | Young Professionals | This group, comprised of young adults post college to 29 years of age, meets on Mondays in Plainfield. | |
SN | Yount | | |
Swain Young Family | We meet Wednesday nights from 6-7ish in the cafe | |
The Chosen Series Group Discussion | | |
Thrive Home Group | This group meets on Sunday evenings at a home in Wheaton. For more information, contact groupswheaton@thecompass.net | |
Timberlake Home Group | | |
Tool Time | Mens group meets every 3rd Wednesday in Room 210 and On-line | |
Treasure Hunters | | |
Tuesday Morning Men's Group | Mens Tuesday Morning Small Group | |
Tuesday Night Live Virtual Bible Study Group | A group for adults that includes fellowship, Bible study, and prayer. Meets online every Tuesday 7 to 9:00 p.m. | |
Walk 'n Talk (M. Dickman) | Started spring of 2021, we meet every other Saturday for an hour, plus we have extra activities following on some weeks. We unite for 10 mins, break into micro-groups, walk for 20, turn around, walk back and then convene again. Open to everyone, we primarily meet at the Naperville Riverwalk. During the "walk and talk,” each group is given discussion cards to get the conversations started. We mostly follow the sermon series topics and discuss how to spark and foster faith! Venues may change and if the weather is an issue, we might have some indoor field trips! As God leads, we follow. | |
Wendy Merkle | | |
Women led by M. Witvoet | | |
Women led by S. Borkowski | Book studies or bible studies with accompanying videos. Women of all ages. Fall 2023 - He’s Where the Joy Is by Tara Leigh Cobble. Will start a new study mid October. | |
Women's Group | Meets in Rm 203 at 6:30p. | |
Women's Group | Contact Womenswheaton@thecompass.net to signup or for more information.
Meets 2/4th Wednesdays | |
Women's Group | Saturday morning women's group for women of all ages. | |
Women's Group | Online Precept starting Ephesians soon. | |
Women's Home Group | Full at this time. | |
Women's Life in Rhythm Group Kathy & Linda | | |
Women's Prayer Team | Have a heart to pray for others? Passionate about interceding for Compass Church members, our leaders & government? Join our Women's Prayer Group! Meets most weeks on Wednesday mornings in the Atrium Café at the Naperville Campus. | |
Women's Serving and Event Team | | |
Women's Small Group | Living a Chocolate Life is a women's Bible study that warmly invites all to savor God’s rich and endless supply of grace in Christ. Whether you're sampling bitter nuggets of pain or sweet morsels of joy, this chocolate-themed study reminds you that the Holy Spirit fills us with sweet faith in our Savior—and it is only He who can truly satisfy. | |
Young Adult Group | Young Adult Ministries is a place where young professionals can belong and create meaningful relationships with God and one another by building a strong foundation in Christ through worship, teaching, and small groups. | |
Young Adults Group-Maria Nelson | Young Adults Group | |
Young Families | Young family group with childcare meets Tuesday evenings at 6:30p | |